Because of the increased visibility, high visibility safety workwear is required in most working environments. It is also an important piece of personal protective equipment that helps prevent struck-by accidents. When searching for the most suitable clothing for work, it is essential to remember the importance of choosing a design that features stripes of a high degree of contrast.
One useful illustration of how contrast can be an important tool for enhancing workplace safety and productivity is provided by the TRAMIGO workwear line, which features high contrast safety stripes. In the following, we will examine three ways in which high contrast increases safety. Wearing a reflective vest can make your work both safer and more efficient.

1. Daytime performance is improved with the addition of high-contrast stripes.
Bright fluorescent colors and retroreflective striping are the two standard visibility elements that are included in the majority of high visibility workwear. These items of high visibility workwear can provide good visibility at night or during the day, but they are at their most useful in low light conditions, as the retroreflective stripes on them are intended to reflect headlights or other sources of artificial lighting.
High contrast safety stripes for clothing add a third visibility element to the mix. These colored fluorescent stripes feature a combination of different colors that work together to create a contrast that is immediately noticeable. Workers can improve their daytime visibility during the workday by wearing multiple high visibility colors that contrast with one another. This is an element that does not rely on retro-reflectivity. Because of this, choosing a color scheme with a high contrast is an excellent option whenever you require a reflective vest or jacket that goes a little bit further, particularly if daytime visibility is a concern that you need to account for.

2. Strippinges with a high degree of contrast make workers more visible in a construction zone.
Because there is so much motion and there are so many objects, visibility is always difficult to come by in a work zone. When a driver has to make a decision about maneuvering their vehicle in the split second they have available, it can be difficult to tell a worker or an inanimate object apart from each other. Bright fluorescent colors are utilized in the design of high visibility workwear, which is intended to combat the aforementioned issue.
Because of this, it can be helpful for workers to have the additional visibility that high contrast striping provides, particularly in areas that are extremely busy or that have other challenging conditions. It's possible that an additional loud noise is all that's required to draw the attention of a driver to the presence of a worker and, as a result, prevent the loss of a life.

3. Differentiating workers according to their roles can be accomplished by using stripes with high contrast.
A great number of work locations necessitate the simultaneous presence of employees performing a wide variety of tasks, oftentimes on behalf of more than one employer. In these conditions, it can be difficult to differentiate between workers, which makes it difficult to quickly determine when a worker is in the incorrect work zone or which employer someone works for.
Enhanced visibility clothing typically comes in a number of different colors, including red, blue, black, and a variety of others, so that workers can be easily distinguished from one another. It is a simple trick, but it is one that is highly effective in creating workplaces that are both safer and more organized.

High contrast safety stripes are a great way to go the extra mile when it comes to ensuring everyone's well-being on the job site, which is why safety should always come first. You can learn more about high visibility colors and how they function by reading our article on the history of hi vis fluorescent colors. You can also learn about everything that we can do to improve your safety and productivity by looking through our complete selection of TRAMIGO reflective workwear.
Post time: Oct-31-2022